Advances in Applied Psychology
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Advances in Applied Psychology, Vol.1, No.2, Oct. 2015, Pub. Date: Aug. 3, 2015
Risk Analysis and Interpretations for Depressive Symptoms Among Adolescents in Dubai
Pages: 107-114 Views: 4423 Downloads: 1134
[01] Ali S., Preventive Services Department, Primary Health Care Services Sector, Dubai Health Authority, Dubai, UAE.
[02] Al Faisal W., Health Affairs Department, Primary Health Care Services Sector, Dubai Health Authority, Dubai, UAE.
[03] Hussein H., Health Affairs Department, Primary Health Care Services Sector, Dubai Health Authority, Dubai, UAE.
[04] Wasfy A., Statistics and Research Department, Ministry of Health, Dubai, UAE.
According to WHO, about half of mental disorders begin before the age of fourteen with an estimated significant yearly prevalence for such disorders that mount up to 20%, most commonly correlated to depression. To study the effect of risk factors among adolescents in Dubai for developing depressive symptoms. Cross sectional study was carried out in governmental and private secondary schools of Dubai, UAE among secondary school students, grades (10-12), both males and females. A Multistage stratified random sampling was carried out. Number of participated students which entered the analysis was 1289. Self-administered questionnaires of closed ended questions, (Arabic or English language), were distributed among the students. The questionnaire covered Socio-demographic data, Social relationships, Violence/ abuse and stressful life events, Life style, and Anthropometric Measurements. Students whose mothers are deceased or their parents are separated were more prone to have elevated depressive symptoms (50% and 46.2%) respectively. Elevated depressive symptoms were found to be more common among students who perceive bad relationship between their parents (51%). Students, who observed frequent conflicts between their parents, were more to have elevated depressive symptoms (43.7%). Concerning relationship between students and their parents, 70.6% of students with elevated depressive symptoms pointed bad relationship with their parents. In regard to relationship with siblings, the percentage of students with elevated depressive symptoms was 50.2 in case of bad relationship. Elevated depressive symptoms were more prevalent among students who reported bad relationship with their teachers (39.5%). Students who have bad relationship with their colleagues reported more elevated depressive symptoms (50. The following risk factors were greatly linked to depressive symptoms among adolescents School type, nationality, number of siblings, residence, father education, mother education, parent’s employment, parent's status, relationship between parents, conflicts between parents, relationship with parents, relationship with siblings, relationship with colleagues, relationship with teachers, family psychological support, close friends psychological support, physical and verbal abuse from any of parents, school bullying, stressful life events and life style Continuous Screening of high risk groups of adolescents for depressive symptoms especially who have all some of the previously discussed risk factors.
Depressive Symptoms, Risk Factors, Adolescents, Dubai
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