American Journal of Educational Science
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American Journal of Educational Science, Vol.4, No.4, Dec. 2018, Pub. Date: Aug. 31, 2018
The Interconnectedness of Learning: How Andragogy Can Improve the Online Learning Experience
Pages: 93-99 Views: 2625 Downloads: 2038
[01] Barry Chametzky, American College of Education, City University of Seattle, Seattle, USA.
Online learning has been prevalent for many years; it is a viable way to acquire new information for a substantial number of learners in the 21st century. The number of non-traditional students who take post-secondary courses is rather substantial. In order to help these learners, it is necessary to explore other avenues of presenting the subject material. By incorporating elements of andragogy in the online courses, educators and educational course designers would enable adult learners to have a richer, more fulfilling learning experience. In this paper, the author discusses the interconnectedness between andragogy and online learning.
Andragogy, Online Learning, Interconnectedness
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