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American Journal of Psychology and Cognitive Science, Vol.2, No.1, Feb. 2016, Pub. Date: Jan. 18, 2016
Depression and Depressive Symptoms Among NCDs Patients Attending Primary Health Centers in Dubai, UAE 2014
Pages: 1-5 Views: 2909 Downloads: 1277
Al Lauz H., Health Affairs Department, Primary Health Care Services Sector, Dubai Health Authority, Dubai, UAE.
Al Faisal W., Health Affairs Department, Primary Health Care Services Sector, Dubai Health Authority, Dubai, UAE.
Hussein H., Health Affairs Department, Primary Health Care Services Sector, Dubai Health Authority, Dubai, UAE.
Kareem Z., Health Affairs Department, Primary Health Care Services Sector, Dubai Health Authority, Dubai, UAE.
Mahdy N. H., Health Centers Department, Primary Health Care Services Sector, Dubai Health Authority, Dubai, UAE.
Depression is an important public-health problem and one of the leading causes of disease burden worldwide. Depression is often comorbid with other chronic diseases and can worsen their associated health outcomes. Few studies have explored the effect of depression, alone or as a comorbidity, on overall health status. The objective is to study the prevalence of depression and depressive symptoms among NCD patients attending PHC at Dubai Health authority facilities, Dubai, UAE; and to study the distribution of socio- demographic determinants of the NCD patient presented with depression or depressive symptoms and some associated risk factors. A cross-sectional study has been carried out among randomly selected sample of 306, both males and females (patients with different chronic diseases status attending primary health care facilities at Dubai health authority in Dubai for the year 2014. Sample size estimated using Epi–info software and was 306. Sample type was multistage stratified random sample with proportional allocations from different primary health care centers both in Diera and Bur Dubai sides. Interview administered questionnaire has been used for data collection (Depression Anxiety Stress Scales “DASS 21”). Data was analyzed using SPSS 21. The study showed that 18% of presented with mild depersive symptoms as detected by DASS, 15.4% of the study population have moderate depressive symptoms and 6.5% severe depressive symptoms and extremely severe depressive symptoms were among 7.2% The total depressive symptoms among patients with chronic diseases attaending PHC clinics was 48.2%. the study reflected that age factor has no significant association with depression, P Value= 0.498, the (odds ratio was 1.3270 (95% CI: 0.785-2.243). The (odds ratio of the effect of nationality factor on developing of depression among was 0.641 (95% CI: 0.369-1.114). The effect of marital status factor on developing depression among was not statistically significant P value= 0.42. Frequency rates of depression associated with chronic diseases are significantly high which reflected two direction effect. Some socio-demographic factors were shown to be playing significant role such as gender and nationality. depression intervention program needs to be developed to prevent two direction negative impacts and improve quality of life and over all life expectancy.
Depression, Depressive symptoms, NCD, PHC, Dubai
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