American Journal of Psychology and Cognitive Science
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American Journal of Psychology and Cognitive Science, Vol.4, No.2, Jun. 2018, Pub. Date: Jun. 14, 2018
The Relationship Between Metacognition Beliefs and Mental Health with Self-Efficacy of Sixth Primary School Students in Shiraz
Pages: 22-25 Views: 1755 Downloads: 717
[01] Najmeh Dehghan Khalili, Department of Educational Sciences, Arsanjan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Arsanjan, Iran.
[02] Firooz Rezaeian, Department of Educational Sciences, Arsanjan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Arsanjan, Iran.
Purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between meta-cognitive beliefs and mental health with self-efficacy in elementary school students in Shiraz. The population consisted of all sixth grade elementary school students in the 3rd and 4th districts, selected by multi-stage cluster sampling method of 357 subjects. The measurement tools of this research included general health questionnaire, academic self-efficacy questionnaire and metacognitive beliefs questionnaire, which validity and reliability were estimated using Cronbach's alpha test. Descriptive statistics (mean...) and inferential statistics (Pearson correlation and multiple regression tests) were used to analyze the data. The results showed that the physical sign component was able to predict the academic self-efficacy variable and the rest of the mental health components were not able to predict academic self-efficacy. The component of positive beliefs about worries was able to predict the variable of academic self-efficacy and the rest of the meta-cognitive beliefs components were not able to predict academic self-efficacy.
General Health, Academic Self-Efficacy, Meta-Cognitive Beliefs, Students
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