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Chemistry Journal, Vol.1, No.5, Oct. 2015, Pub. Date: Nov. 19, 2015
A Review on Industrial Effluents as Major Sources of Water Pollution in Nigeria
Pages: 159-164 Views: 2961 Downloads: 2901
Abdulmumini Ado, Department of Pure and Industrial Chemistry, Bayero University, Kano, Nigeria.
Abubakar Ibrahim Tukur, Department of Geography, Kano University of Science and Technology Wudil, Kano, Nigeria.
Magaji Ladan, Department of Pure and Industrial Chemistry, Bayero University, Kano, Nigeria.
Sani Muhammad Gumel, Department of Pure and Industrial Chemistry, Bayero University, Kano, Nigeria.
Ayubaad Abdullahi Muhamm, Department of Pure and Industrial Chemistry, Bayero University, Kano, Nigeria.
Shehu Habibu, Department of Chemistry, Federal University Dutse, Jigawa State, Nigeria.
This review investigates the level of water pollution caused by industrial effluents in Nigeria with a view to provide useful information to the authorities on the management, control and investigation of pollution cases, water quality surveillance and forecasting water quality in the country. Literature on the subject matter was accessed through published and unpublished materials on the subject as well as browsing of related issues on the internet. The results show that industrial effluents account for several point sources of water pollution. While developed nations adopt stringent water quality requirements to control river pollution from point and non-point sources, the situation is different in most developing countries like Nigeria. Waste water treatment in Nigeria is not given the necessary priority it deserves and therefore, industrial wastes are discharged into receiving water bodies without treatment and the consequences of this include, among others, river pollution, loss of aquatic life, uptake of polluted water by plants, disease burden and shorter life expectancy. It is recommended that the federal, state and local authorities in Nigeria should ensure that industrial wastes, particularly effluents, are pre-treated before discharging then into the environment.
Industrial Effluents, Pollution, Water Quality
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