International Journal of Animal Biology
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International Journal of Animal Biology, Vol.1, No.2, Apr. 2015, Pub. Date: Apr. 8, 2015
Bovine Brucellosis in Cattle Production Systems in the Western Highlands of Cameroon
Pages: 38-44 Views: 4890 Downloads: 2786
[01] P. H. Bayemi, Institute of Agricultural Research for Development Bambui (IRAD), Yaounde, Cameroon.
[02] G. D. Mah, University of Buea, Faculty of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine, Department of Animal Science, Buea, Cameroon.
[03] K. Ndamukong, University of Buea, Faculty of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine, Department of Animal Science, Buea, Cameroon.
[04] V. M. Nsongka, Institute of Agricultural Research for Development Bambui (IRAD), Yaounde, Cameroon.
[05] I. Leinyuy, Institute of Agricultural Research for Development Bambui (IRAD), Yaounde, Cameroon.
[06] H. Unger, Animal Production and Health Section, International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Vienna, Austria.
[07] N. M. Ndoumbe, Institute of Agricultural Research for Development Bambui (IRAD), Yaounde, Cameroon.
[08] E. C. Webb, University of Pretoria, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Animal and Wildlife Science, Pretoria, South Africa.
[09] M. D. Achukwi, Institute of Agricultural Research for Development Bambui (IRAD), Yaounde, Cameroon.
[10] F. Hakoue, Institute of Agricultural Research for Development Bambui (IRAD), Yaounde, Cameroon.
[11] N. D. Luogbou, Institute of Agricultural Research for Development Bambui (IRAD), Yaounde, Cameroon.
A study was carried out to compare the prevalence of Brucella abortus between semi-intensive and extensive managed cattle in the North West Region of Cameroon. A total of 689 cattle were tested for Brucella antibodies using the competitive Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay. Overall prevalence of brucellosis was found to be 5.2% (n = 36). There was strong evidence that cows in the extensive system (6.5%; n=32) had a higher infection rate than those in the semi intensive system (2%; n=4; P<0.0001). Bovine overall brucellosis infection rates were higher in the dry season (67%) than the rainy season (33%), (P<0.05). Healthier cattle (78%; P=0.0009), older cattle (64%; P=0.0003) and cows (75%; P=0.0027) were more infected. The prevalence of Brucella in the White Fulani breed was less severe than in other breeds (P=0.0003). Acha had more infected animals than the rest of the region (P<0.0001). The results of this study confirm the endemicity of bovine brucellosis in the North West Region of Cameroon and a moderate seroprevalence rate in extensive cattle management systems in the study area. There is a need for eliminating positive reactors, implementing control measures and raising public awareness of zoonotic transmission of brucellosis, and on improvement of extensive cattle management systems.
Brucella, Cattle Systems, ELISA, Seroprevalence
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