International Journal of Animal Biology
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International Journal of Animal Biology, Vol.4, No.4, Dec. 2018, Pub. Date: Nov. 26, 2018
Impact of Ichthyotoxic Plants on Biodiversity in the Freshwater of Businga Territory, Nord Ubangi Province in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
Pages: 45-51 Views: 1862 Downloads: 602
[01] Koto-te-Nyiwa Ngbolua, Ubangi-BioXplore Project: Biodiversity Exploration of Oubangi Ecoregion and Carbon Inventory, University of Gbado-Lite, Gbado-Lite City, Democratic Republic of the Congo; Agro-Veterinary Department, Higher Pedagogical Institute of Abumombazi, Abumombazi City, Democratic Republic of the Congo; Department of Biology, University of Kinshasa, Kinshasa City, Democratic Republic of the Congo.
[02] José Armand Doikasiye Endowa, Ubangi-BioXplore Project: Biodiversity Exploration of Oubangi Ecoregion and Carbon Inventory, University of Gbado-Lite, Gbado-Lite City, Democratic Republic of the Congo.
[03] Colette Masengo Ashande, Ubangi-BioXplore Project: Biodiversity Exploration of Oubangi Ecoregion and Carbon Inventory, University of Gbado-Lite, Gbado-Lite City, Democratic Republic of the Congo.
[04] Gédéon Ngiala Bongo, Department of Biology, University of Kinshasa, Kinshasa City, Democratic Republic of the Congo.
[05] Nicole Ngutulu Toke, Ubangi-BioXplore Project: Biodiversity Exploration of Oubangi Ecoregion and Carbon Inventory, University of Gbado-Lite, Gbado-Lite City, Democratic Republic of the Congo.
[06] Ruphin Djoza Djolu, Ubangi-BioXplore Project: Biodiversity Exploration of Oubangi Ecoregion and Carbon Inventory, University of Gbado-Lite, Gbado-Lite City, Democratic Republic of the Congo.
[07] Amédée Kundana Gbatea, Ubangi-BioXplore Project: Biodiversity Exploration of Oubangi Ecoregion and Carbon Inventory, University of Gbado-Lite, Gbado-Lite City, Democratic Republic of the Congo.
[08] Clarisse Mawi Falanga, Department of Biology, University of Kinshasa, Kinshasa City, Democratic Republic of the Congo.
[09] Patience Mpia Bokango Ngelinkoto, Department of Chemistry, National Pedagogical University, Kinshasa City, Democratic Republic of the Congo.
[10] Pius Tshimankinda Mpiana, Department of Chemistry, University of Kinshasa, Kinshasa City, Democratic Republic of the Congo.
In the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the traditional fishing by poisoning of the freshwater ecosystems is one of the sources of animal proteins for the population of the forest regions. The aim of the present survey was to value the environmental impact of the ichtyotoxic plants-based fishing on the freshwater biodiversity. Surveys were carried out in Businga sector (Nord Ubangi) according to the probabilistic sampling technique based on a poll to several degrees. The findings indicated that this traditional technique of fishing is practiced more by female than male (54 vs 45%) and it is practiced by people belonging to the age group of 44 to 51 years. Blighia welwetschii is the most used plant species (35%) followed by Tephrosia vogelii (25%). It was observed that this traditional fishing is more practiced in dry season (88%) than in rainy season (12%). 81% of the practitioners do not have any knowledge on the conservation and the protection of biodiversity. Since the chemical pollution of the rivers by natural products of plant origin already entailed the disappearance of some fish species in this ecosystem, it is therefore necessary that to conduct awareness campaign to the populations for a participative approach to the conservation of aquatic biodiversity in Nord Ubangi Province in general and precisely in Businga Sector through the usual aquaculture system for a sustainable development.
Ichthyotoxic Plants, Traditional Fishing, Blighia Welwetchii, Biodiversity Conservation
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