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International Journal of Advanced Materials Research, Vol.7, No.3, Sep. 2021, Pub. Date: Nov. 22, 2021
Elaboration and Characterization of a Material Based on Recycled Bottle Shards and Polystyrene: Effects of Polystyrene Resin on Strengths
Pages: 26-31 Views: 1272 Downloads: 286
Brahiman Traore, Laboratory of Soils, Water and Geomaterials, UFR-STRM, Felix Houphouët Boigny University, Cocody-Abidjan, Ivory Coast.
Koffi Clement Kouadio, Laboratory of Soils, Water and Geomaterials, UFR-STRM, Felix Houphouët Boigny University, Cocody-Abidjan, Ivory Coast.
Conand Honore Kouakou, Laboratory of Soils, Water and Geomaterials, UFR-STRM, Felix Houphouët Boigny University, Cocody-Abidjan, Ivory Coast.
Djakaridja Sangare, Laboratory of Soils, Water and Geomaterials, UFR-STRM, Felix Houphouët Boigny University, Cocody-Abidjan, Ivory Coast.
Edjikeme Emeruwa, Laboratory of Soils, Water and Geomaterials, UFR-STRM, Felix Houphouët Boigny University, Cocody-Abidjan, Ivory Coast.
This study consists of proposing a method of recycling polystyrene and glass bottle waste, by making construction materials. With a view to valorization its waste, this study was carried out and consisted of the development of materials based on expanded polystyrene (EPS) and bottle shards. The samples were developed with PSE rate varying from 20% to 85% with an increment of 5, followed by tests to determine their physical properties (density and absorption) and their mechanical properties (wear strength and three-point flexural strength). The results obtained show that the density of the materials decreases from 2.11 g⁄cm3 to 1.06 g⁄cm3 with an increase in the PSE rate. Likewise, absorption decreases from 4.45 to 0.33 with an increase in the PSE rate. Wear resistance also drops from 1.36 g⁄cm2 to 0.0 g⁄cm2 when going from 20 to 85% EPS. At last, the three-point flexural strength increases from 9.35 MPa to 23.19 MPa when going from 20 to 85% EPS. The use of EPS as a binder in materials gives it encouraging physical and mechanical properties. EPS and bottle shards waste considered as a new raw material resource in the manufacture of materials therefore constitutes a valorization way for this packaging waste.
Bottle Shards, Expanded Polystyrene, Valorization, Waste, Resin
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