International Journal of Chemical and Biomolecular Science
Articles Information
International Journal of Chemical and Biomolecular Science, Vol.1, No.3, Oct. 2015, Pub. Date: Jul. 28, 2015
Trending of Pesticide Residues and Consumer’s Health Risk
Pages: 85-89 Views: 5106 Downloads: 2112
[01] Jinky Leilanie Del Prado Lu, Institute of Health Policy and Development Studies, National Institutes of Health, University of the Philippines Manila, Manila, Philippines.
This study aims to assess trending of insecticide residues in crop commodities and soil samples in Benguet, Philippines. This is a comparative secondary analysis of two sampling periods (2008 and 2010). Samples were analyzed for multi-pesticide residue analysis using gas chromatography. In 2008, the insecticide residues detected in the soil and crop samples were chlorpyrifos, chlorothalonil, endosulfan sulfate, and profenofos. Of these residues, endosulfan sulfate yielded the highest concentration at 0.095ppm. In 2010, the residues found in the crop and soil samples were chlorpyrifos, cypermethrin, cyhalothrin, deltamethrin, and fipronil. Of these residues, chlorpyrifos registered the highest concentration at 1.41ppm. The residues that exceeded the maximum residue limit for soil samples were endosulfan and chlorpyrifos. Meanwhile, chlorpyrifos and cypermethrin were the most frequently detected insecticide residues in the crop samples. The results of the study provide information on the insecticide contamination in soil and crops in Benguet.
Pesticide Residues, Agricultural Crops, Soil and Crop Samples, Consumer Health Risk, Environmental Health
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