International Journal of Economics and Business Administration
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International Journal of Economics and Business Administration, Vol.6, No.3, Sep. 2020, Pub. Date: Aug. 31, 2020
Building Organizational Politics and Power Equilibrium through Group Emotional Intelligence
Pages: 107-115 Views: 1111 Downloads: 387
[01] John Nkeobuna Nnah Ugoani, Department of Management Sciences, College of Management and Social Sciences, Rhema University, Aba, Nigeria.
There is increasing wave of organizational politics and power squabbles in many contemporary institutions that may have their roots at the levels of lack of emotional capacity to build necessary rapport. This phenomenon is dangerously detrimental to organizational effectiveness and prosperity. The study examines the relationship between group emotional intelligence and organizational politics and power equilibrium because it is a learned competency based on emotional intelligence and recognizes the need of group identity, group efficacy, trust and organizational awareness as necessary ingredients to foster co-operation and collaboration in organizations to balance group interests to achieve organizational effectiveness. Politics and power coalition is common in organizations today, but a gifted CEO of the 21st century and beyond imbued with requisite emotional capacity is very likely to provide the strong leadership and to manage emerging organizational politics and power polarization to enhance organizational interests without comprising the interests of organizational members. The result of the study shows positive relationship between group emotional intelligence and organizational politics and power equilibrium and offers suggestions for further study. It recommends that good labour-management relationship is imperative in reducing organizational politics and power squabbles.
Gifted Ceo, Emotional Capacity, Emotional Challenge, Rational View, Political View
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