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Journal of Environment Protection and Sustainable Development, Vol.6, No.4, Dec. 2020, Pub. Date: Dec. 11, 2020
Assessment of Weaknesses and Inadequacies in Libyan Laws and Legislation on the Protection of Vegetation
Pages: 91-97 Views: 1489 Downloads: 207
Abdulnasir Salim Alqazoun, Environmental Science Department, Azzaytuna University, Tarhuna, Libya.
Abdoulwahab Abubakr Alazragh, Environment and Natural Resources Department, Azzaytuna University, Tarhuna, Libya.
In recent decades, the countries around the world have made great efforts in environmental protection programmes, where they have worked to establish a variety of organizations and bodies to support those efforts, especially developing countries, including the issuance of several international treaties, conventions and protocols, accompanied by many legislations and laws on the protection, preservation and maintenance of the environment for future generations, particularly those laws and regulations which deter certain industrial activities which have been reunited and destroyed by vegetation and in the same way hundreds of regional and international seminars and conferences to preserve them. This study highlights the importance of Libya's laws and regulations on the conservation of vegetation and natural resources and the Inadequacies of those laws, which may render them incapable of achieving the objectives for which they have been set, and one of the most significant objectives is to be able to contribute as much as possible to the reduction pollution, as well as that the provisions of the Pun law. The study concluded that there is a clear deficiency in Libya's laws on the protection of vegetation and natural resources, particularly in the field of sanctions and the prevention of offenders and perpetrators of such crimes, including Law No. 15 of 2003 on the protection and improvement of the environment contained in articles (72-73-74) and some paragraphs of Law No. 6 of 1996 on the protection of agricultural land and Resolution No. 9 of 2012 on the protection of public land, In addition to some other Libyan regulations on the agricultural sector. At the end, the study aims to make some suggestions to jurisdictions on strengthening the criminal provisions of Libyan legislation related to those in bordering countries, for example, to provide compensation based on the degree of damage caused, redress for conventional and environmental damage, and the cost of restoring the status quo or restoring the environment.
Vegetation, Environment, Libyan Law, Environmental Protection
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