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Journal of Environment Protection and Sustainable Development, Vol.1, No.2, May 2015, Pub. Date: May 6, 2015
Evidence of Climate Change in Iraq
Pages: 66-73 Views: 4553 Downloads: 4052
A. A. Azooz, Department of Physics, College of Science, Mosul University, Mosul, Iraq.
S. K. Talal, Department of Physics, Faculty of Education, Zakho University, Zakho Kurdistan, Iraq.
Nonlinear regression is applied to compiled historical data related to mean monthly temperatures, and precipitations for four main cities in Iraq, Results shows significant occurrence of climate changes. The compiled primary data for the four cities and their corresponding starting years are Baghdad (1887), Mosul (1900), Basra (1923), and Kurkuk (1935). The ending year for all four data sets is 2013. The main two manifestations of such climate change are temperatures increases coupled decrease in precipitations. Extrapolation to future predictions for temperature agrees well with conclusions of the Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change 2007 (IPCC2007) report on green house effect warming.
Global Warming, Climate Change, IPCC, Iraq Weather
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