Journal of Environment Protection and Sustainable Development
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Journal of Environment Protection and Sustainable Development, Vol.7, No.3, Sep. 2021, Pub. Date: Oct. 15, 2021
Impact of Urban Expansion on Water Quality of Sebeya River in Rubavu District, Rwanda
Pages: 69-75 Views: 1206 Downloads: 293
[01] Niyomufasha Olive, Option of Environmental Economics and Natural Resource Management, University of Lay Adventists of Kigali (UNILAK), Kigali City, Rwanda.
The water is a key important of natural resource which is very important to all ecosystems on the planet. Currently there is a less studies that look on water quality variation due to the growth that surrounds. Therefore, this research was conducted in order to assess the potential influence of urban increase on water quality of Sebeya river located in Rubavu district, western province of Rwanda. Five composite samples were collected in three sites located in 3 cells such as Mahoko. Musabike, and Kamuhoza located in Kanama sector. Samples analysis were conducted in laboratory located in Research Center for Natural Resources and Environment at UNILAK. Five water indicators comprising pH, Zinc, Total Nitrogen Total Phosphorous and Chromium have been analyzed and used as a test of significance for laboratory results. The human activities are negatively influencing the water quality indicator pH hence the increased human driven activities are decreasing the water body pH by 24 percent through absorbing the carbon dioxide resulted from these activities leading to the water body to become acidic consequently. Because urbanization is expanding very quickly in Kanama sector, the research found that there is an effect of urban increase on water quality of Sebeya River. Not only human activities can negatively affect the river, on the other side it is recommended that the water quality of the river can be preserved by the human activities resulting from the urban increase like soil erosion prevention and green practices.
Water Quality, Urban Increase, Sebeya River Catchment, Water Pollution
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