Journal of Environment Protection and Sustainable Development
Articles Information
Journal of Environment Protection and Sustainable Development, Vol.1, No.2, May 2015, Pub. Date: May 7, 2015
Performance Improvement by Auditing of Some Iron Ore-Dressing Plants from Bellary Region, Karnataka State, India
Pages: 74-80 Views: 4164 Downloads: 1218
[01] B. P. Ravi, Mineral Processing Department, VSKU PG Centre, Nandihall, Karnataka State, India.
[02] S. J. G. Krishna, Mineral Processing Department, VSKU PG Centre, Nandihall, Karnataka State, India.
[03] C. Rudrappa, Mineral Processing Department, VSKU PG Centre, Nandihall, Karnataka State, India.
[04] P. S. Kumar, Mineral Processing Department, VSKU PG Centre, Nandihall, Karnataka State, India.
[05] P. C. Nagannor, Mineral Processing Department, VSKU PG Centre, Nandihall, Karnataka State, India.
The sustainable viability of a mineral enterprise depends on improving the concentrate quality, generating readily salable by-products, improving recovery, throughput, and reduction of unit cost rate and maximize the unit income rate and thereby unit profit rate. The present paper discuses the importance of process plant audit for improving the mineral processing plant performance as indicated by different case studies of iron ore dressing plants in Bellary region, Karnataka state.
Iron Ore Processing, Audit, Gravity and Magnetic Concentration, Iron Ore Washing and Classification
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