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Public Health and Preventive Medicine, Vol.2, No.4, Aug. 2016, Pub. Date: Sep. 3, 2016
Assessment of Mine Workers Knowledge, Practice and Attitude Regarding Safety Masseurs and First Aid
Pages: 25-32 Views: 4093 Downloads: 998
Mysara Osman Elfakey, Community Health Nursing Department, Faculty of Nursing, the National Ribat University, Khartoum, Sudan.
Introduction: A landmine is an explosive device, concealed under or on the ground and designated to destroy or disable enemy targets as they pass over or near the device, landmine is a public health priority in Sudan which is a major cause of morbidity and mortality in Sudan, landmines continue to kill nearly 20,000 people every years. The aim of the current study was to evaluate the effect of educational programme regarding safety measures & first aids on knowledge, practices and attitude of mines workers in the field of demining in Kassala State. Method: A Quasi-experimental based study conducted in Kassala mine field- Sudan, between April 2012 to September 2013. The sample size consist of 90 workers from the national mine action Kassala sub office, Data were collected by using questionnaire, observational check list and reporting sheet for injury designated for the study. Analysis was performed by statistical package for social sciences (SPSS version 20); t-test was used to analyzed quantitative data and chi-squire used for qualitative data. For all test the significance level was set as p < 0.05. Result: Of 90 workers interviewed result reveals that a highly significance differences in all phases of educational programme in worker's knowledge towards land mine, and its occupational hazards & safety measured, with highly change in worker's knowledge in post and follow-up educational programme in comparing with worker's level of knowledge reported in pre - educational programme where Ps was (0.001 ) respectively. Regarding the worker’s attitude of prepared all personal protection equipment, safety measures and work tools needed within the minefield. The study revealed that there is a statistically significance difference between three phases of educational programme toward the worker’s attitude within the minefield with Ps (<0.001). according to mine workers practice in items related to using & wearing Sanitary demining equipments, table reveals that there is a statistically significance differences in only one phase namely, follow-up phase, where Ps was (0.001 ). Conclusion: The study concluded that workers knowledge, practice and attitude regarding safety masseur's and first aid are inadequate in pre-test and there was highly change in workers knowledge in post and follow- up educational program, it recommended that periodic education and practice to worker about occupational hazard and first aid, should be done more research on the area to identify the factors that affecting workers safety and save life.
Educational Program Knowledge, Practice and Attitudes, Nursing Khartoum –Sudan
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