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Public Health and Preventive Medicine, Vol.3, No.5, Oct. 2017, Pub. Date: Oct. 30, 2017
Adolescents’ Promotive, Preventive and Therapeutic Healthcare Services, Trends and Determinant, Dubai, UAE
Pages: 27-32 Views: 2090 Downloads: 738
Waleed Al Fiasal, Health Affairs Department, Primary Health Care Services Sector, Dubai Health Authority, Dubai, UAE.
Hamid Hussien, Health Affairs Department, Primary Health Care Services Sector, Dubai Health Authority, Dubai, UAE.
Strengthening features of the settings in which health services for adolescents are provided will require explicit attention to the ways in which service environments are structured and the training and clinical experiences of health care providers. The objective is to study Adolescent coverage with relevant health care services. To study the socio-demographic trends of adolescent cohorts in Dubai in relation to health care provision process. The study reviewed the available related literature written about promotive, preventive and therapeutic health care services provided to adolescents in Dubai. Available literature and school health annual report 2015-2016 were reviewed. All of them were cross-sectional studies with sample size ranged between 1200 and 1500 individuals. They were conducted in both private and governmental schools in Dubai. The school annual report depends on record review and review of all kinds of healthcare services provided to adolescents in private schools of Dubai. The study showed that adolescent groups received health education coverage of 52% of total adolescent population on different nutritional related topics during 2015-2016 academic years in schools of Dubai. Almost 41.1% covered with Puberty related awareness, 28.9% covered with Drug and substance abuse discussions, 45.0% covered with personal and environmental Hygiene, 30.5% covered with awareness sessions related to abuse, about 26.7% of total adolescent population covered with different infectious diseases related discussions including STD and AIDS. The study concluded that there are significant health risks encountering adolescent groups whom they have been traditionally underserved. Adolescent health services are not mature enough and the adolescent friendly approach is not yet developed. A participatory assessment process ensures that clinic staff members are involved throughout the identification of needed quality improvements and the development of action plans. The Clinic Assessment of adolescent Friendly Services tool and the lessons learned from the experience can be applied to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of adolescent health services and program.
Adolescent, Health Services, Dubai
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