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Public Health and Preventive Medicine, Vol.4, No.1, Mar. 2018, Pub. Date: Mar. 13, 2018
Quality Assessment of Poultry Farm and Product Processing Unit in Different Divisions of Bangladesh
Pages: 1-10 Views: 2107 Downloads: 631
Razia Khatun, Bangladesh Livestock Research Institute, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Md. Abdul Jabbar Howlader, Department of Zoology, Jahangirnagar University, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Shamim Ahmed, Bangladesh Livestock Research Institute, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Md. Amirul Hasan, Bangladesh Livestock Research Institute, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Md. Nazrul Islam, Bangladesh Livestock Research Institute, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Md. Shariar Haider, Palli Karma Sahayak Foundations (PKSF), Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Mohammad Showkat Mahmud, Bangladesh Livestock Research Institute, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
A total of 630 questionnaires were filled following face to face interviews under seven Divisions of Bangladesh from randomly selected poultry farmers to find out the existing status of poultry farming and poultry product processing plant. Lack of good farm management knowledge resulting farmers are using drugs indiscriminately from farm to marketing chain creates health hazard on poultry and human. The survey result revealed about 66.12% farmers marketed their birds before withdrawal period of drug 69.30% and 21.30% farmers sold their eggs and sick birds under treatment period of antimicrobial drugs indicates unsafe for human health. It was observed that 54.10% farmers had superficial knowledge on residual effect of antibacterial drug and Maximum Residue Limits (MRL’s) in poultry products. From the survey, cost of drug incurs 23% of the total rearing cost. It was recorded that 32.45% of surveyed farmers marketed their products following the standard withdrawal period of antibacterial drugs but 66.12% farmers marketed before withdrawal period of drugs. Drug that were used by the surveyed Division where Enrofloxacin cases in Dhaka Division were higher (26.67%) than other Division 20.96% Oxytetracycline in Rangpur; 20.95% Ciprofloxacin in Khulna; 28.57% Salfonamide in Sylhet; 21.67% Gentamicin in Barisal; 32.14% Cloramphenecal and 41.46% Furazolidone in Chittagong Division respectively. It was observed during drug uses cases 44.62% farmers discussed and followed ULO (local veterinarian) suggestion and 28.92% collected from feed supplier. During marketing transportation, 34.67% farmers transported their broiler at morning, 19.39% at afternoon, 29.11% at evening and 16.82% at any time. During disinfectant using cases 54.70% farmers’ disinfected before entering into the farm and 24.91% used disinfectant to wash eggs before sale. On average 57.00% farmers cleaned their eggs before marketing and 23.80% farmers following standard method for egg storage. It also observed that 45.00% farmers disinfected their dressing plant before slaughtering of birds where 61.00% farmers slaughter their broiler inside the plant, Irrespective of Divisions, 65.60% farmers had drainage system to discharge the liquid wastes of their de-feathering unit. Surveyed farmers were categorized on the basis of poultry management practice, whereas 9.38% farms followed standard practice of bio-security, 41.48% farms followed good practices, 32.53% farms fell in fair category and 16.59% farms remained in poor category. To get quality poultry product from farms to processing plant farmers must be trained on good management practices to create awareness on poultry and human health hazards.
Assessment, Quality, Survey, Poultry Farming, Product Processing Unit and Bangladesh
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