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American Journal of Food Science and Health, Vol.1, No.4, Oct. 2015, Pub. Date: Sep. 1, 2015
Forgery Drugs, Health and Development
Pages: 96-103 Views: 5218 Downloads: 1260
Diana Loubaki, Economics Department, University Marien N’Gouabi, Brazzaville, Congo.
Moyo N. Zololo, Economics Department, University Marien N’Gouabi, Brazzaville, Congo.
The aim of this article is to study the impact of forgery drugs on health in Sub-Saharan-Africa. An endogenous growth model which supports health is used to conduct the study. We found that, forgery drugs business and corruption are linked since it yields as more profit as original drugs do at cheaper investments, since consumers lack information able to help them identify forgery with original in the decision to buy drug is unknown since the market is mostly endowed with piracy products. Indeed, health becomes a random variable which recovery becomes a deal. In that context, sustainable development path is difficult to be reached through the market alone. The social planner establishes optimal health state levels in order to tax the drug business firm for forgery drugs provided to consumers to achieve a Pareto optimality in health state. None study on growth which supports health has studied forgery drugs impact on health before that model.
Forgery Drug, Original Drug, Corruption, Development Sustainability, Health
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