Industrial and Systems Engineering
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Industrial and Systems Engineering, Vol.1, No.2, Nov. 2016, Pub. Date: Feb. 28, 2017
Improving of Quality of Trade Service Through Examination of Consumer's Emotional State
Pages: 54-60 Views: 4733 Downloads: 1097
[01] Andrii Halkin, Transport Systems and Logistics Department, O. M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv, Ukraine.
Consumer decisions depend on rational and emotional drives. Marketing methods searching for effective ways for managing consumer’s behavioral, increasing its loyalty and other. Managing of emotional level of customer fatigue at optimal level in current shop will raise consumer’s loyalty as a result. The study is designed to determine the effect of the environment on the quality of shopping service through consumer fatigue in the purchase process. Results of the study indicate of possibility to evaluate shopping floor service through the background emotional level of its customers. The result may be to improve the quality of trade services by creating conditions conducive to a more favorable environment for shops.
Customer, Emotion, State, Purchase, GSR, BPM
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