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Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, Vol.1, No.3, Jul. 2015, Pub. Date: May 28, 2015
Initiating an Olweus-Based Intervention Against School-Bullying
Pages: 173-179 Views: 4845 Downloads: 1107
Konstantinos Karakiozis, Youth Counseling Station, Secondary Education Directorate of Dytiki Attiki, Elefsina, Greece.
Christina Papapanousi, Health Education, Secondary Education Directorate of Dytiki Attiki, Elefsina, Greece.
Anastasios Mavrakis, Environmental Education, Secondary Education Directorate of Dytiki Attiki, Elefsina, Greece.
Evangelos C. Papakitsos, Counseling and Career Guidance, Secondary Education Directorate of Dytiki Attiki, Elefsina, Greece.
The Secondary Education Directorate of Dytiki Attiki (West Attica, Greece), through the Supervisors of Health Education and of Youth Counseling Station, contributes to the approach of the very serious problem of school-bullying through intervention programmes, like those of Health Education and especially of “School Intermediation”. The region of West Attica is well-known in Greece for intent social, economical and environmental problems and challenges that are faced. These problems become even more complex because of the presence of motley social groups of diverse origins and values-background, like domestic and foreign immigrants, ethnic groups, etc. This entire problem-nexus is transferred to the daily activities of the school societies, causing additional difficulties to the educational process. The purpose of the present work is to define the theoretical framework, which these actions at the public schools of West Attica are approached with. In this framework, there is a mention of the research questions and goals that have to be laid. In particular, the theoretical framework is mentioned for dealing with school-bullying through intervention programmes that are implemented in schools, like the one of Olweus, and to the results of meta-analysis research regarding the effectiveness of such intervention. The analysis of the theoretical framework, through which the issues of school-bullying should be approached, is mainly a subject of adults and especially of teachers.
School Bullying, Intervention Programmes, Educators, Teachers
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