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American Journal of Economics, Finance and Management, Vol.1, No.2, Apr. 2015, Pub. Date: Mar. 14, 2015
Risks and Social Repercussions Inherent in Smuggling: A Sociological Investigation of Badagry-Seme and Owode –Idiroko International Border Communities in Nigeria
Pages: 43-62 Views: 5619 Downloads: 2390
Matthias Olufemi Dada Ojo, Department of Sociology, College of Business and Social Sciences, Crawford University of the Apostolic Faith Mission, Igbesa, Ogun State, Nigeria.
This study investigated the risks and the social repercussions or effects of smuggling. Survey design was utilizes and qualitative method was used. Multi-stage sampling was employed in the selection of the respondents who participated in the study. Fifty youth smugglers were selected using snowballing and fifteen officers and thirty-six community residents were selected using convenience sampling. In-depth Interview, Focus Group Discussion, Key Informant Interview and Photographs were the research tools employed to gather data and information utilized in the study. All the qualitative data were content analysed. The study discovered that smuggling poses many risks to the youth smugglers, the Customs Officers and the community residents at large as explained in this study. The social repercussions or effects of smuggling were also discussed. The study concluded that: the risks involved in smuggling did not, in anyway, discourage the youths involved; smuggling has led to the educational backwardness of the communities near the borders; increased the rate of teenage pregnancy; sexual immorality and spread of HIV/AIDS and increased the drugs and alcoholic consumption among the youths living in border communities. The recommendations discussed at the end of the paper would ameliorate the problem of smuggling among the youths involved.
Risks, Repercussions, Youths, Smuggling and Border Communities
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