American Journal of Economics, Finance and Management
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American Journal of Economics, Finance and Management, Vol.1, No.2, Apr. 2015, Pub. Date: Apr. 8, 2015
Distribution Channels Management in Different Regions
Pages: 92-96 Views: 4284 Downloads: 4094
[01] Andrii Galkin, Transport Systems and Logistics Department O. M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv, Ukraine.
This paper develops a model for calculating distribution channel functioning efficiency in different regions. Author examined parameters and factors which impact on channel’s choice and change. Replacement any of them impact on channel efficiency in time period. In such conditions, the various aspects of distribution system for each region should be decided in the operation, logistics, economics and marketing levels. Consider costs for liquidation, reorganization and functioning of these channels. For channel performance evaluation author proposes to use investment indicators. Studying improves approach for distribution channel management which include project analysis and logistics methods for efficiency calculations in long term period.
Regions, Investments, Project, Logistics, Channel, Distribution
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