American Journal of Economics, Finance and Management
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American Journal of Economics, Finance and Management, Vol.4, No.1, Feb. 2018, Pub. Date: Apr. 9, 2018
Supply Chain Management Practices in the Mining Sector: Perspective of Managers in an Emerging Economy
Pages: 22-32 Views: 2000 Downloads: 1187
[01] Charles Adusei, Department of Accounting and Finance, Garden City University College, Kumasi, Ghana.
The study sought to examine the supply chain management practices in the mining sector of Ghana using Tarkwa Goldfields Limited as a case study. The study’s focus was on sourcing decisions, management of supply chain risk and coordination in supply chain management. A survey approach was used as a design and structured questionnaire was used for the data collection. One Sample T-test, Multiple Regression and Kendall’s Coefficient of Concordance were used to analyse the data. One Sample T-test revealed that multiple sourcing of suppliers and supplier selection team were key practices under sourcing activities. The Multiple Regression result suggest that supplier performance measurement systems and training programs had a positive and significant impact whiles the usage of the approved list of suppliers had a negative and significant impact on management of the supply chain risk. Operational and incentive obstacles were the major coordination issues whiles top management commitment on deployment of resources for coordination and effective communication among the supply chain participants were the essential coordination enhancers in the management of the supply chain. The study concluded that the need for a systematic way through a holistic approach for its supply chain management was an essential part of the company’s continuous improvement. The study prescribes that since risk is not static and evolves from supply chains networks and procedures it must be recognized and subsequently manage it.
Supply Chain Management Practices, Mining Sector, Tarkwa Goldfields, Ghana
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