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American Journal of Economics, Finance and Management, Vol.4, No.1, Feb. 2018, Pub. Date: Apr. 9, 2018
Women Household of Tea Making Under Condition of Livelihoods: Evidences from Sudan
Pages: 33-39 Views: 1900 Downloads: 627
Mohmed Musa Ali Ibrahim, Freelance Consultant, Khartoum, Sudan.
Suliman El-mahil Suliman, Deparment of Agricultural Economics, College of Agricultural Studies, Sudan University of Science and Technology, Khartoum, Sudan.
The paper described women working in unorganized sector in Khartoum, Sudan during the period of (2016/2017). Primary data were collected through regular questionnaire and non-probability randomized (purposive) sample of (38) women were interviewed; secondary data were collected from the relevant sources. A set of research tools including; descriptive statistics and multiple regressions were used. The findings of descriptive statistics showed that (60%) of the respondents reported tea making is the main sources of income whereas (32%) receiving additional income from other sources of activities and able to earnings monthly (SDG1000) of local currency. The study revealed that (65%) benefits from the unorganized working and able to save monthly (SDG500). An important results obtained from the regression showed that the factors; working hours, returns, and consumption recorded positive significant effect into household income at (0.10, 0.05 and 0.01) level of significance respectively, while social status showed negative significant effect at (0.10) level of significance, coefficient of determination (R2=71%) expressed that the variation in the household income is explained by the independent variables in the regression equation. Findings from this study, suggests that the research and future Development (R & D) should be focus on pilot and quick-impact projects for the women working in informal sector so as to enhance their income generating sources. This could be possible through, identify income generation carry out a market assessments and objective to made Micro Economic Initiative (MEIs) program in the communities.
Women Informal Economy, Khartoum Sudan, Household Economics Income Generation Activities
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