American Journal of Economics, Finance and Management
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American Journal of Economics, Finance and Management, Vol.5, No.3, Sep. 2021, Pub. Date: Jul. 28, 2021
Afro-entrepreneurship and Its Impact on Job and Economic Development in Africa and China
Pages: 60-68 Views: 1278 Downloads: 306
[01] Dabo Abdoulrahaman, Department of Economics and Management, School of Economics and Management, Zhejiang Sci-Tech University, Hangzhou, PR China; School of Social Science, AM’s Research Academy, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
The role of entrepreneurship in economic growth by Contribution to GDP job creation has emerged as a top priority for many countries in place of foreign assistance. Besides that, most developing countries have recently followed a new approach for global growth and prosperity in terms of total poverty reduction and job formation. Africa is seeing a “youth bulge,” or a population dominated by young people. The economic problems for the African Population include largely alternatives within and in Afro-Entrepreneurship itself. Guangzhou is African migration gateway to China's most common. In Guangzhou, Africans are largely self-created entrepreneurs, who have their own businesses with Chinese businesses, mostly internal migrants with truncated citizenship rights. This study reveals the impact of Afro entrepreneurship in job and economic development of Africa and China. The analytical data used was secondary. In this analysis, the aims of this study, which was descriptive, were met by a quantitative approach. The researcher gathered secondary data directly from various secondary sources. In the report, it was found that Afro-Entrepreneurship in Africa is open, but in China it is increasingly worried. Indeed, entrepreneurship has been regarded as the driver of economic development, and it has come to be regarded as a catalytic force for the extension and advancement of productive practices in all spheres of economic activity throughout the world.
Afro-Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneur, Economy, GEM
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